LCR Systems Products
Below is a list of the products LCR Systems provide. Remember you can always call us on 01524 413 761 if you require more information. We'd be very happy to hear from you.
Apollo Licenses
LCR Systems can supply your Apollo licenses and dongles if required. Charges for the License, Modules and Dongles are avaliable on request.
Chip & Pin
LCR Systems are trainied Commidea chip & pin installers and can assist you with purchases , support and training.
The Blade is one of the most robust , feature rich server units on the market. Supplied on its own or with a Pole Solution , the Blade is the new bench mark in Retail Systems
Although LCR have no direct control over development within Apollo , we can develop new utilities external to Apollo and also have a Crystal Reports writing team to create / edit your reports.